Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wayne Rooney to join rivals Manchester City or Chelsea ?

After having recent rough patch in his personal life and arguments with Alex Ferguson, Rooney has declined to enter into negotiations about extending his contract beyond the summer of 2012. There are reports which suggests that Rooney has told his team mates about his plans to consider the movement to neighbours Manchester City. City is also interested in hiring Rooney and will pay Rooney £230,000-a-week to seal the deal. If things go fine for Wayne, he will become the highest paid player in the Barclays Premier League.

Alex Ferguson recently said, ``I was in the office on August 14 when (United chief executive) David Gill told me he'd had a call from his agent saying that Wayne wasn't going to sign his contract,'' Ferguson said. ``He said he couldn't believe it and neither could I. I was dumbfounded, I couldn't understand it at all because only months before he'd said he was at the biggest club in the world.''

Rooney’s wife Coleen after the recent episode has already told him that she will not move abroad, especially while her 12- year- old sister Rosie is seriously ill which leaves Rooney with few options to explore with in England i.e. Manchester City or Chelsea as these are only clubs which can afford his fee and wages.

Chelsea manager Carlo Ancelotti has also expressed interest to sign Rooney if he is available.

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