Monday, September 6, 2010

Bharat Bandh Today for 24 Hours, Courtesy Trade unions

Trade Unions bring another bharat bandh to the nation with in 2 months time. The last bharat Bandh did not bring any desired results however trade unions still go for another one to protest against price rise, streamlining of the rationing system and proper implementation of labour laws.

The strike, which is expected to witness a participation of nearly six crore workers under the banner of nine trade unions, has also been called to protest against issues like disinvestment of public sector, retrenchment and entry of foreign capital in retail market.

AITUC, CITU, HMS, AIUTUC, TUCC, AICCTU, UTUC and federations of different categories of workers and employees participated in the general strike, which has been called by Coordination Committee of Central Trade Unions headed by INTUC president G Sanjeeva Reddy.

Kolkata is expected to be severly hit by the bandh as most of the airlines have cancelled their flight from and to the city, however train and metro services would not be disturbed in West Bengal tomorrow during the 24-hour ''Bharat Bandh'' called by trade unions, CITU general secretary Kali Ghosh today said.

Some of the national banks are also participating in the bandh i.e. PNB, Vijaya Bank and Oriental Bank of Commerce which means banking services are also likely to be adversely affected.

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